Conductors Workshop:
Our Conductors Workshop offers professional and outstanding conductors the rare possibility to join and study in Masterclass with two Argentinian experts – composer Martín Palmeri and conductor Saul Zaks -, and learn the secrets of the stylistically authentic performance of Argentinian choral and instrumental music, culminating in an unforgettable concert experience.
During the workshop, Saul Zaks and Martin Palmeri will teach conductors to bring the stylistic detail required when performing Argentinian music with authentic Argentinian flair to perfection. Additionally choir conductors will be coached in the authentic style of conducting Argentinian a cappella choral music.
The Conductors Workshop experience is demanding and intense. At the same time it is decidedly informal and joyful, encouraging both personal and professional growth in a highly supportive environment. Tango choral music, professional teaching and friendly atmosphere add up to an idealistic vision of music making in a natural but still remarkable style.
The repertoire includes works by Martín Palmeri and other Argentinean classical tango masters. Conductors will meet people here who share the same love and dedication to Tango Choral Music and will find a setting where it is natural to rehearse with careful attention to detail and style. You will learn from and with two masters from Argentina and partners from all over the world.
Work will concentrate on the following aspects among others:
- Characteristic articulation and interpretation of musical phrases in Tango Choral Music.
- Different accompanying models and rhythmic comprehension of this musical style.
- Models of the diverse musical textures of Tango Choral Music.
(The Conductors Workshop has to be booked separately for an extra fee)
Bandoneón Workshop:
The Bandoneón Workshop is open for all levels of bandoneon students. Led by world–renowned bandoneon player Pablo Mainetti, the program consists of daily technique classes, exercises as well as bandoneón orchestra and private lessons.
Technique classes focus on instrument management, fingering and other techniques that will narrow the gap between musical intention and execution. The workshop will help students acquire knowledge and experience in stylistic and interpretative skills. In addition, students will have the opportunity to apply their skills through master classes and performance.
For advanced bandoneon players who are interested in participating in the Tango Academy, an audio recording must be submitted.
(The Bandoneón Workshop has to be booked separately for an extra fee)